
Check out what we are up to.

👀 In progress

Chrome extension

A chrom extension that can copy any TailwindCSS or HTML CSS component from any inspiring website to UiHub.

Figma plugin

Create plugin for Figma so creators can import/export design tokens and UI components from Figma to UiHub, and vice versa.

AI Model training

Create a feature to allow creators to train AI model based on their existing UI components.

💪 To do

TailwindCSS component <> Webflow component

Implement a feature to convert TailwindCSS component to Webflow component and vice versa.

TailwindCSS component <> Figma component

Implement a feature to convert TailwindCSS component to Figma component and vice versa.

Firefox and Chrome support

Add solution to support on browsers other than chrome.

Native desktop app

Create a native desktop app for UiHub to be used on Mac or Window.

🚀 Live

Team feature

Create a team feature for better collaboration.

Editor for TailwindCSS and HTML components

Add VS Code Editor so creators can directly create TailwindCSS components and HTML & CSS components.


README styled front page documentation feature for creators to deliver the message.

UI components marketplace

Create a marketplace for creators, builders, and designers to buy and sell a library of UI components.

Launch version 1.0

UiHub v1.0 went live.

👋 Deprecated

Public Project for UI components library

UiHub no longer has public project. This has been replaced with Marketplace.